This post will cover how to run Juneo as a node. To run Juneo as a Validator, click on the part 2 (not yet available)
The process to run Juneo as a node is straightforward. In three steps :
- Download the code and make it executable
- Create the daemon to ensure the node runs 24/7
- Synchronization process and logging
Before we begin, ensure your machine has at least 8GB of ram and 160GB of SSD.
Let's begin!
Download the code and make it executable
As root, run:
cd ~
git clone
chmod +x ~/juneogo-binaries/juneogo
chmod +x ~/juneogo-binaries/plugins/jevm
chmod +x ~/juneogo-binaries/plugins/srEr2XGGtowDVNQ6YgXcdUb16FGknssLTGUFYg7iMqESJ4h8e
mv ~/juneogo-binaries/juneogo ~
mkdir -p ~/.juneogo/plugins
mv ~/juneogo-binaries/plugins/jevm ~/.juneogo/plugins
mv ~/juneogo-binaries/plugins/srEr2XGGtowDVNQ6YgXcdUb16FGknssLTGUFYg7iMqESJ4h8e ~/.juneogo/plugins
This will download Juneo go, make it executable, and move it to /root/juneogo.
Create the daemon to ensure the node runs 24/7
As root, create the file /etc/systemd/system/juneogo.service
Description=Juneogo service
Then, run these commands:
systemctl daemon-reload
Start the juneogo service:
systemctl start juneogo
Enable juneogo at boot:
systemctl enable juneogo
Synchronization process and logging
Now that your juneogo is started, you can check whether your juneogo service is up and running with:
systemctl status juneogo
Here's an example:

Access the logs, live:
journalctl -u juneogo -f --no-hostname -o cat
Here's an example:

Check that your juneogo node is boostraped with this command:
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.isBootstrapped",
"params": {
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
Here's an example:

Good job! Your node is up, running and synced. In the part 2, we will turn this node into a validator.